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Update to my Christmas Celebration Post.

Hey guys. The title says it all. This post is an update to my previous Christmas Celebration post.
I wanted to show you guys what i received from my family and also the Ultimate Wii Challenge that i've been talking about. I'm so glad my er jie took some pictures of the Ultimate Wii Challenge. (Apparently, we were all too excited that nobody bothers to take pictures)
Okay so this is what i received.
A Penguin mug, bought from the Universal Studio.

Lacoste shoes

Yep, with the logo right there. Very nice.Whats so special about this pair of shoes? Blue lines and red sole! Brillaint colours isn't it?

Yeahh Westlife Gravity Album!

Winter Penguin! I name him Xiao Xia Xue. Welcome to Animal House!

They're totally like Brothers.

Thats Xiao Shen Dan (Small Christmas) and Xiao Xia Xue (Small Snowing). Say hello!

A Very cool Messenger Bag!

Dad and mum got my brother and i the wii game Donkey Kong Country Returns.

And as for the Ultimate Wii Challenge, there isn't really much pictures to show the games we've played. This game is called "Hide and Hunt" if i'm not wrong. It is found under the House Party section. Oh and by the way, this is a wii game called Wii Party.

Maybe a little explanation is required here..
Well, this game is basically hide and hunt. One person hides the remote and the others tries to locate it within the time limit which is 100 seconds.

In case you're wondering what the hell are they doing..
They are searching for the remotes!

Apparently, the remotes gives out an animal sound to help you locate it.
Yes indeed it helps you to get closer and closer to the remote but sometimes, it can also cause you to be confused and the next thing you know you are running all over the place.
Daren's pretty good. Hmmm hahaha. Searching high and low for it.
And finally the final score is out!
As i'd mention about the tie part in the previous post, i shall not repeat it again.
After the 1VS 1 Minigame, this is the final position with me myself, in the second position!
I lost to my Er jie hence causing me to earn second place! Oh well, i suck at that game so.. yea.
Hahhaa but it was really fun.
Thats about all!
Oh dang school's starting next week.