Fear not because Chelsea, is going to take both the cups away. Muhaha.
1. Be grateful
2. Follow your heart
3. Dream big
4. Good is the worst enemy of best
5. Run your own race
6. Focus on what you can control
7. Failure is your friend
8. Relationships are your greatest treasures
So thats the 8 essential Life lessons.
Today is thursday.. SFL was boring. damn boring. Played badminton during PE, was very fun. Haaa. For music, same thing again. Guitar.. So basically all the lesson are boring BUT, english is different today. Instead of ms goh talking and talking and talking, giving worksheets, she asked us to give feedbacks. Feedbacks as in what you want to do during english lessons. Lol, i'm the only one who voted library.. oh well.. lol.
Don't feel like going to school tomorrow. NONOO its not that i'm lazy. Somehow i feel sick. I'll see how tomorrow.Oh noo exams are coming.
Counting down to wembley.
Alright now for what happened today. Arggg another project... I'm sick of projects now. Next tuesday is our literature drama performance and we had only like 1 reheasal? lol... we're soo going to die on tuesday. Next monday will be our last reheasal. I have to memorize the script tooo arrr.. so going to die. TOMORROW IS GOOD FRIDAY! I hope it'll be a really really good friday. More entertainment, less revision. Haaa but i guess thats not possible. Exams are near the corner and i should cherish this friday to revise my work.
Alright, i'll end here.
Streaming year.. Don't play play.
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