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Such memories..

Flipping through an album where my father gave it to each one of us the day we're born, i realised how fast i've grown. From nursery to kindergarden to primary and now to secondary. How fast time flies.
Just take a look at me when i was in kindergarden. I was laughing like hell. Haha. I can still recall that scene. It on a sports day where i am competiting in the milo tin competition. Haha.

Time is precious. Yes. In the twinkling of an eye, i've grown SO Much.
Now take a look at this picture. Its a picture of my brother, Daren. His Primary 6 now.

Haha. Isn't it cute? Hahaa. Thats when he was young. Well, his all grown up now. Primary 6. One more year as his in Secondary 1. How fast is that. Haa.

Okay till here.